My success
EnduroEWS European Champion 2019
FourcrossCzech champ. Juniors/Mens1st place – Championship of the Czech republic |
BMXCzech BMX champ.1st place – Championship of the Czech republic |
Jméno: Milan Myšík
Věk: 28
Narozen: 23.5. 1993
Bydliště: Benešov nad Ploučnicí, ČR
Přezdívka: Myšák, Gibon, Hobbit
Výška: 162 cm
Váha: 71 kg
Oblíbená lokalita: Whistler, Madeira, Liberec
Vzdělání: Technická univerzita v Liberci
Oblíbené jídlo/pití: Vegetariánské / Voda
Disciplína: Enduro
Sponzoři: TREK, KUR sport, MITAS, VSSPED, EMIL FREY ČR, UVEX BIG SHOCK, Cloud Sailor, Ergon, Dakine, Sram, Rock Shox, Bontrager, Crankbrothers, GU energy labs, Finish Line, Pepi's Tire Noodle, Happy Power, Fyzio Toncar, Pražírna kávy CAFFé 08
Milan Myšík is Czech elite MTB enduro racer, who as only one won national title in 3 different disciplines (BMX racing, Fourcross, Enduro). His career started in 1999 when he was 6 yo. First discipline was BMX racing and it lasted till the year 2011. In these 12 years he became Czech Republic Champion, vice-champion of Europe, European cup winner and multiple finalist of European championship. His best result in World Championship was 20th place.
In 2011 he switched to MTB (Fourcross 4X), and became junior champion of Czech Republic and the next year he won it again in elite category. During his fourcross career he managed to get to the top class in this discipline. His best results are 2nd place in European Cup, 5th in European Championship and 6th in World Championship in Poland. He also participated in Downmall races where he won the bronze medal overall.
Since UCI dismissed from world cup, this discipline lost its popularity. That is why he had to switch to another discipline which was MTB enduro, in which he started his first official season in 2013.
His final conversion was supposed to be in 2014 but his injury did not let him to do so. He had second shoulder surgery and had to wait till 2015. In 2015 he became fully-fledged enduro racer. In his first year he won in Rychleby Enduro Race, took 3rd place at Czech Enduro Series and also 7th place in European Cup in Spain.
In 2016 Milan was invited to GT TEAM CAMP in sunny California. The same year he was supposed to participate in Enduro World Series (EWS). He was training really hard, for example in Mallorca or Tenerife, where he went all around the island (258km). Camp in California side by side with stars like Maes, MacDonald, Masters, Dale was great experience before ambitious season. In his first race at EWS Chile he dislocated his shoulder (the one that was already surgically treated). Broken ligaments meant another surgery and loosing another season. Thanks to doctors Hospodár and Vimmer he had to skip the season but the shoulder was again in a good condition. In September 2016 he started to train again for next season. The next year 2017 he took the 3rd place at the new Central European Series, 41st place in EWS France. And in the first season of Czech Republic Championship he took the 2nd place.
Here comes the year 2018 and Milan finally won the desired title Czech Republic Champion of enduro, he took 3rd in overall ranking Central European Series. 2nd at Czech Enduro series in Jested, 2nd place on Blinduro and 6th place on EWS European Championship in Scotland.
Sezóna 2019 Milanovi vyšla na výbornou. Stal se celkovým vítězem EWS European Enduro series a byl korunován mistrem Evropy.V té samé sezóně se podíval poprvé do TOP 40 na EWS v Kanadě, skončil celkově třetí v Alpine Enduro series a na Českých závodech nenašel přemožitele.
Rok 2020 byl ve všech směrech ovlivněn pandemií koronaviru. Ačkoliv se sezóna rozjela se zpožděním Milan skončil celkově druhý v České enduro sérii a zajel svůj nejlepší výsledek v EWS (33. místo v Itálii). Sezonu zakončil na skvělém 35. místě ve Světovém žebříčku!
Milan Mysik's most appreciated results are National Champion in all 3 disciplines when enduro is a bit more appreciated than the other two. Winning Marosana End Of The Season 2017 race and of course 2nd place in European Championship. And what next?
Milan je velmi významným a aktivním ambasadorem. Jeho velkou předností je psaní článků do médií (časopisy, noviny, webové stránky,…) a mediální vystupování jako takové. Dále se věnuje různým foto a video projektům, pořádání akcí a závodů ve svých volných chvílích pro partnery a bikovou komunitu. Ze závodů EWS má exkluzivní fotografie, které slouží Milanovi a jeho partnerům jako skvělá reklamní plocha. Mimojiné si sám natáčí a stříhá videa, která mají tisíce zhlédnutí a jsou velmi oblíbená díky Milanovo kreativitě.